Now before we go too much further, we should discuss an unfortunate aspect of boat building. I do not say this happens in all cases, but it does happen in a lot of cases.
When a man decides he is going to build a boat, his significant other may or may not agree. Mine was not too enthusiastic about it. It was OK as long as she did not have to participate.
I have seen many a marriage break up over a project of this magnitude. I do not wish to point fingers or place any blame, but we men just don’t seem to be able to juggle all the responsibilities given to us at various times of our lives.
I was not a great juggler at the best of times, so I guess it was a forgone conclusion. My marriage ended in a non argument, about non issues, on a cold and stormy night. Cold and stormy night? What a cliché, but it was true. My boys were both in their late teens, my wife had a much better job then I did and if anything, I was a burden on them. Rufus, my dog, and I left on that cold and stormy night.
And since I did not think ahead about this little adventure, I slept that night, in a corner of the shed, in a threadbare sleeping bag that I had been using for a cushion on one of the benches. I was cold, wet, sore, and miserable. That night I cried. I cried about the frustrations, pain, sorrow, and loneliness. My god life can be such a pain in the ass sometimes.
It didn’t take me too long to realize I had better do something, or my back would be killing me all day and nothing would get done. First job, build a bed. Now if I can build a boat, I can build a simple bed. I build a frame and found a piece of 4 inch thick foam at a used marine store. I bought a couple of pillows and I was in business. Found a dresser with 6 drawers that were in good shape. Built a bookcase. Had to have my books
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