Sunday, December 26, 2010

John and Roger

When you build a boat, you drink a lot of coffee or beer or whatever, depending on the amount of money you have, I guess. In my shed, it was coffee. There was always someone dropping in for a gab session and some coffee. 

The guy on the left is Roger Tailor, the owner of the shed and the builder of three self designed trimarans. The last was a 40 foot, open wing deck, 50 foot wing mast, named “Atta-A-Mun”. Something to do with atta-a-boy. 

The guy on the right is John Messenger. John built monohull dinghies, catamaran dinghies, cedar strip canoe hulls and finally, a mold for panels to build a 40-foot catamaran. He and Geoff Kidd worked in my shed for a few months to build the panels for Geoffs 40-foot cat. 

The busiest time for visitors was in the summer on the weekend. One Saturday in August, I had 14 different visitors drop in to say Hi, and have a coffee. It’s really hard to get much work done with this many interruptions. Would I change that next time and not allow access to my shed by all the curious people. Never. I loved all the talk and ideas that flow from these bull sessions. I am sure a lot of my ideas were formulated during these discussions. Lots were down right arguments. They were fun too. 

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