Saturday, December 25, 2010

I stay

I stayed. I stayed to the end. I was the last one out of the yard. I still had lots of work to do on my boat before I could put it outside, so I just continued to work. 

After all the other people had left, the power was cut, the water was cut, and even the wonderful toilet was removed. I had a small AC generator for my tools and brought water in from the Richmond recreation center. I had to go there every day to wash up and have a shower.

Word had gotten around that I was not going to go until I was ready, and any attempt to change that was going to be met with serious opposition. Opposition that may or may not be legal. I guess they believed me, no one, or any equipment showed up on the 31st day. They did not show up on the 40th or even the 50th day. I stayed there for 20 days after the expiry of the notice period.

What would I have done if they had brought the equipment in and started to demolish the other sheds? Nothing I guess. I know if they made a move to bulldoze my shed, I had a loaded shotgun in the boat and I was not going to go without a fuss. I had let that information slip out and it must have found its’ way to the prep company. Nothing happened till the day after I moved my boat.

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