Saturday, December 25, 2010

Fairing clothes

Clothing worn by a well dressed fairer. It was murder in the hot afternoon. It got so bad; we tried to work in the early morning or late afternoon and evening. The temperature on top of the boat would be 30 – 35 Celsius and no breeze. We used fans, took the doors off the ends of the shed, anything to cool it down. Some days, even slow hardener was too fast.

As work progressed, I began to see how truly bad the surface of the boat was. We apply a layer of fairing compound to an area. Spread it out nice and thin. Allow it to cure for a day or two, then start sanding. After sanding till we thought we would die, we apply another layer and sand again. This went on for a long, long time. 

You can see by the amount of fairing compound in this picture, the front of the boat was very unfair. Because the plywood was trying to conform to a number of directions, things didn’t go too well. We let Al do that. It came out absolutely fair, but it took a huge effort on his part.

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