Saturday, December 25, 2010

Fairing the cockpit

Most of the structure of the boat had been completed. I managed to rent the large shed beside my spot for a mere 400.00 per month. The shed was 80 feet long and 30 or 35 feet wide. We had lots of room. 

Now the real work began. I had no idea about fairing a boat. It looked fine to me. Why go to any more trouble, just paint it. Someone convinced me to talk to the boatyard guru of fairing. I asked Al to come over and have a look. It took him just a few minutes to run his hand over the boat and then show me how to do it. Wow, this thing is a mess. I could not see all these lumps and bumps. They were hidden in the curves and shadows of the hulls. If you paint with a glossy paint over this surface, you will see every ugly detail. 

OK, I agree, I have to do something. What next? Well, I can hire Al to fair it by himself, which will take a long time and be expensive, or I can hire him to supervise a crew and do the important work himself. I picked the second option. I could con my kids into helping, for sailing time later. I could do some of the work as well. 

This is the cockpit area, about half done. We had to apply a fairing compound Al made up out of micro balloons, epoxy, fast or slow hardener, and a thickener. This formula changed, depending on the area the fairing compound was applied to. 

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